AI Terms & Concepts

Definitions and Essential Elements of AI:

1. Narrow or Weak AI: This type of AI is designed to perform a narrow task (e.g., facial recognition, internet search engines, or driving a car). It operates under a limited pre-defined range or a set of constraints. Most of the AI in use today falls under this category.

2. General or Strong AI: Strong AI is a type of artificial intelligence that has the ability to understand, learn, and apply its intelligence in a way that is indistinguishable from human intelligence. It can perform any intellectual task that a human being can. This type of AI is still theoretical and a subject of ongoing research.

3. Artificial Superintelligence (ASI): ASI refers to a scenario where the capability of computers surpasses human beings in all respects - from creativity and emotional intelligence to general wisdom and problem-solving. This is a speculative and futuristic concept that lies beyond AGI.

Additionally, based on capabilities, AI can be classified as follows:

1. Reactive Machines: These AI systems don't have memory-based functionality. They react to current scenarios and perform tasks based on specific algorithms. An example is IBM's Deep Blue, the chess-playing computer.

2. Limited Memory AI: These AI systems have the capability to store previous data and predictions, using it to make better predictions. Most current AI, including self-driving cars, falls into this category.

3. Theory of Mind AI: This is an advanced type of AI that is not yet fully developed. It would be capable of understanding and remembering emotions, beliefs, needs, and thought processes of other intelligent entities (humans, other AI systems).

4. Self-aware AI: This is the most advanced form of AI, which is hypothesized to be capable of having consciousness, sentience, and self-awareness. Such an AI's awareness of itself could give it the ability to think, understand, and exhibit emotions on a level at par with human consciousness.

Each type of AI represents different levels of complexity and capabilities, and the field is rapidly evolving with ongoing research and advancements.

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I'm proud of our pioneering use of Narrow AI in digital marketing for the automotive sector. We're transforming customer engagement and driving growth through personalized, data-driven strategies, and strategic partnerships, setting a new standard in the industry.

Michal Wacht

Chief product & Insight strategist, President

Embeddings, Vectors and Private Machine Learning Data Sources

To explain the purpose of embedding and vectors in AI, especially for storing data for machine learning in private databases, let's start with some basic concepts:

1. What are Embeddings and Vectors?

Vectors: In the context of AI and machine learning, a vector is a sequence of numbers. These numbers represent different features or attributes of a piece of data. For example, in a simple case, a vector could represent a point in a 3D space with three numbers, each indicating the position along the X, Y, and Z axis.

Embeddings: Embeddings are a more advanced form of vectors. They are used to convert complex, non-numeric data (like text, images, or sounds) into a format that a machine learning model can process. This is done by mapping this complex data to vectors of real numbers.

2. Purpose in Machine Learning and AI

Data Representation: Embeddings allow complex and often high-dimensional data (like words in a text) to be represented in a way that captures the relationships and patterns within the data. For example, in text processing, words with similar meanings can be mapped to points that are close to each other in the vector space.

Efficiency and Accuracy: Using embeddings and vectors makes processing and learning from data more efficient and accurate for AI models. It simplifies the data and reduces the complexity that the models have to deal with, which can lead to better performance in tasks like prediction or classification.

3. Use in Private Databases for Machine Learning

Data Storage: In private databases, embeddings and vectors allow the storage of complex data in a more compact and organized form. This is particularly important for large datasets where storage space and retrieval speed are concerns.

Privacy and Security: When dealing with sensitive information, embeddings can provide a layer of abstraction. The original data can be transformed into vectors, which may help in masking the raw data and protecting individual privacy, depending on how the embeddings are implemented.

Query and Analysis: For machine learning tasks, these vector representations make it easier to query and analyze the data. AI models can quickly process these vectors to find patterns, make predictions, or extract insights, which is essential for applications like personalized recommendations, predictive maintenance, or customer behavior analysis.

In summary, embeddings and vectors play a crucial role in transforming complex data into a manageable form for AI models, leading to efficient storage, better performance in machine learning tasks, and potential benefits in terms of privacy and data security in private databases.